[Olpcaustria] community news gelesen?

Aaron Kaplan aaron at lo-res.org
Mon Aug 6 19:45:07 CEST 2007


anderer interessanter teil der community news:

punkt 22 und 23.

--- snip ---
22. Summer of Content: The trial of the Summer of Content was broadly
discussed this weekend (at Wikimania), with a number of brainstorming
sessions about project ideas and mentors; it will run for 6 weeks
starting August 17.  The southern summer starting in early December
will be the true launch of the project, with a target of 500
internships and 50 mentor organizations.

23. Games: Lincoln Quirk has the mesh working nicely with olpcgames
and pygame. Game developers and players alike are quite excited about
this integration as it will make porting a number of existing
multi-player games extremely easy. The chose-your-own-adventure
framework that Roberto Faga is working on should be done in draft next

--- snip ---

fuers eduwiki projekt waere es evtl. auch gut, mentoring org zu sein?
Dann gaebe es evtl. synergien bei der activity challenge (?)
Was meint ihr? Wenn ja, sollten wir SJ sagen, dass wir da dabei sind.
Bzw. uns auf der wiki.laptop.org -> summer of content seite als  
mentoring organization eintragen.
Koennten wir zB ausschreiben, dass jemand (deutschsprachiger ?) die  
notizen von simons prof digitalisiert?
Waere das eine idee?


there's no place like
until we found ::1 -- which is even bigger

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