[Olpcaustria] Fwd: [Community-news] OLPC News 2007-08-04

Aaron Kaplan aaron at lo-res.org
Mon Aug 6 19:32:25 CEST 2007


das ist im prinzip edu wiki oder?
Bzw. sollte sich meiner meinung nach das edu wiki dort anhaengen.


Begin forwarded message:

> 16. Library: Library-creation scripts for making library bundles are
> now in git under "content-bundler"; a step towards automated builds of
> content images. A number of content publishers and platforms—Curriki
> (curriki.org), Connexions (cnx.org), CK12, and Jamendo
> (jamendo.org)—have committed to setting up simplified portals for
> creators who want to make OLPC material, and to adding an option to
> export books, music, or other collections as XO content bundles. CK12
> and Connexions have full sets of books and modules available; Curriki
> is involved in the discussion of how to fill available gaps with wiki
> materials, and Jamendo has music across all continents and genres
> which its community are organizing into playlist-bundles. Sylvain
> Zimmer of Jamendo has developed bundling scripts for music, and Zdenek
> Broz has done the same for web sites, to simplify culling the pages
> from a directory of links into a usable content bundle. These will
> help curators with their own collections, and site-scrapers for
> dealing with open sites that do not have active curators.

C.O.S.H.E.R. - Completely Open Source Headers Engineering and Research

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