[Olpcaustria] Technology Review - TR35 (Tapan Parikh)

Christoph Derndorfer e0425826 at student.tuwien.ac.at
Mon Aug 20 21:01:21 CEST 2007


abgesehen von Ivan Krstic' (OLPC Security Mensch) gibt's noch ein paar 
andere sehr interessante Leute die vom Magazin Technology Review für's 
TR35 ausgewählt wurden...

Vor allem die Projekte von Tapan Parikh finde ich sehr interessant, weil 
sie auch in eine Richtung gehen, die meiner Meinung nach auf dem OLPC 
mehr gepushed gehört. Tapan verwendet zwar vor allem Handys für seine 
Projekte aber vom Prinzip her kann man sehr ähnliche Sachen eben auch 
mit dem X0 machen.

Look at this 

"When fishermen from the Indian state of Kerala are done fishing each 
day, they have to decide which of an array of ports they should sail for 
in order to sell their catch. Traditionally, the fishermen have made the 
decision at random--or, to put it more charitably, by instinct. Then 
they got mobile phones. That allowed them to call each port and discover 
where different fishes were poorly stocked, and therefore where they 
would be likely to get the best price for their goods. That helped the 
fishermen reap a profit, but it also meant that instead of one port's 
being stuck with more fish than could be sold while other ports ran 
short, there was a better chance that supply would be closer to demand 
at all the ports. The fishermen became more productive, markets became 
more efficient, and the Keralan economy as a whole got stronger.

This story demonstrates an easily forgotten idea: relatively simple 
improvements in information and communication technologies can have a 
dramatic effect on the way businesses and markets work."

Hat jetzt nichts mit Bildung zu tun, aber zeigt doch sehr schön wie 
IKT-"Werkzeuge" das Leben von Menschen beeinflussen kann...

Just a thought...


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